Youth Department
Youth Department
Many churches view the youth as "the church of tomorrow", but not SMBC; we see our youth group as a very vital and important part of our church family. As such, we offer a wide variety of programs and classes to meet the spiritual needs of this age group. On Sunday mornings, we offer Sunday School classes for all ages starting at 10:00am. We also offer Children's Church and a nursery for those in 1st grade and below during the Sunday morning worship service.
On Wednesday evenings, we offer AWANA Clubs for students in grades 6 and below. Our Youth Group for students in grades 7 - 12 is called The Vine, and includes time for fellowship, singing, prayer, and of course Bible Study. To help families prepare for the evening, we have a meal starting at 5:30pm ($1.00 per person or $5.00 maximum per household) each Wednesday evening. AWANA starts at 6:15, while our other Bible studies (youth and adult) start at 6:30.
In addition to our regularly scheduled youth meetings, we offer our students opportunities for fellowship through participation in camps, conferences, and youth trips. If you have not filled out a MEDICAL RELEASE FORM/PERMISSION SLIP for 2021, you may do so by clicking the link above, which will open a Google Form for you to complete.